Posts Tagged ‘natural parenting’

Interviewed by Green Baby Green Mama

Posted on March 5th, 2010 by Tonia 8 Comments

I had the pleasure of chatting recently with Heather, the main mama behind Green Baby Green Mama, about homeschooling.  I was homeschooled grades K-8 by my amazing parents, and it was a great experience for me.

I love talking about the good old homeschool days, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask!  I’m honored that Heather interviewed me for her blog.  Check it out here!

greenmamapostMy homeschooled years were some of the best years of my life.  The best part was the quality time spent as a family, learning and living together all day every day.

Homeschoolphotos_2{My brother and me showing off our “Human Body” project at a science fair.}


{Ready to immigrate to America from Sweden on “Ellis Island Day”}

Homeschoolphotos_5{Celebrating our successful immigration with the rest of the homeschool group.}


{Taking in one of our country’s most important monuments during a “field trip”.}