Posts Tagged ‘relaxing’

A Family of Photogenically Impaired Individuals

Posted on September 10th, 2011 by Tonia 2 Comments

I promised you photos from our week at “Woodchuck” a loooong time ago, didn’t I? Shoot. Well, at least I didn’t wait until the middle of winter to write this post…when you’re shivering in your long-johns in January, nothing is more irksome than seeing someone’s summery photographs with their smug sun-flares and their tan, freckled, happy faces. Amiright? So let’s get this over with before it snows, shall we?

A HEADS UP: As I looked back at these photos, one thing became clear: My family is incapable of taking attractive photographs. We’re really not that awful-looking in real life, I swear! But somehow we managed to go a whole week without capturing a normal picture of any of us. See for yourself.

My brother and his girlfriend enjoying lunch on the front porch.
{Top} Mike and his reading buddy, enjoying coffee on the porch in the early morning.
{Bottom} The fathskie, reclining.
A dip in the lake.
Fresh grilled corn.
Charlie indulging his two loves: sunshine, sticks.
A night-time pontoon-boat ride complete with star-gazing and music-playing.
This next series is especially disturbing…
Why is Mike way over there?
Crud, Danny blinked. Let’s try again…
Ugh! Mike!!
Tonia!! OMG! One more try…
I’m serious you guys, knock it off!
FINALLY!!  I need a drink.
Canoeing and fishing.
Nature hikes.
Scavenging for mushrooms.
Velociraptor attacks.

Morning coffee on the porch….with a friend.
Making spaghetti sauce.
The whole famn damily.


Ohhhhh boy. That was fun. The cabin is definitely one of my favorite places on this planet. So many memories have been made there over the years with our family, immediate and extended.

Clearly, Mike and I lucked out in the family department. BOTH our families are kick-ass {apologies for the curse word. I only do it when absolutely necessary, you know.} His, however, might be slightly more photogenic… 😉

And now, thanks to these photos, I am officially missing summer.