Posts Tagged ‘wildlife’

Fish Run

Posted on April 3rd, 2012 by Tonia 1 Comment

The rainbow trout are running up the Sioux River near our house.

Mike went down to the bank with the camera yesterday evening and caught this video clip of a little guy alllllllmost making it {it was so sad when he got washed back down!} It would be so easy to reach down and help them out, but Mother Nature needs a way to filter out the weak.

Only the strongest fish get to the calm water above the falls where they mate. They have to swim against the current for miles, and beach themselves on rocks where they rest for a few minutes before pushing on.

It’s pretty incredible to watch!

Peeking a Pileated Pecking

Posted on June 10th, 2011 by Tonia 1 Comment

Today there was a big Pileated Woodpecker having his way with the old apple tree in our yard by the woodshed. The crest on his head was so bright red! Can you spot him?

I was inside peeking at him through the window, and I could hear the rat-tat-tat of his pecking loud and clear.

It has been a little bit chilly and drizzly for the last few days, which means there’s not a lot of fun garden/farm stuff happening to speak of. But, it’s a good opportunity to get boring inside chores done while I don’t feel like I’m missing out on a beautiful day.

Do you have any tricks for making chores more enjoyable? I like to watch the hummingbirds out of the window while I do dishes, and I tend to set my laptop up with Mad Men episodes playing on it next to me while I fold laundry {a most despised chore. HATE IT.} Something about the perfectly pulled-together, domestic women of the 50s and 60s makes me aspire to keep the house in good order. Of course, they also tended towards severe depression…but that’s probably mostly because they had crappy husbands. But nevertheless, maybe I should stick to just watching wildlife.

Until the next sunny day, happy chore-doing and wildlife-watching to you!