Posts Tagged ‘chickens’

Party in the Greenhouse!

Posted on May 1st, 2012 by Tonia 3 Comments

{In Which the Resident Poultry Population Helps Me Transplant Seedlings}

I spent the afternoon squatting over trays of seedlings in the greenhouse, transplanting them into larger containers with one hand and shooing the turkeys and chickens away with the other.

The poor, helpless- and unfortunately tender and delicious- seedlings did not escape the scene without a few casualties. As it turns out, chickens and turkeys are relentless and sneaky when there are scrumptious miniature cucumber plants to be had.

And then the whole thing kind of deteriorated into a poultry photo shoot and before I knew it two hours had gone by and I had only transplanted two flats of seedlings. Oops.

Raising Backyard Chickens: The First Week

Posted on April 24th, 2012 by Tonia 5 Comments

These are the “baby pictures” I took of our chickies on the day they arrived in the mail. They made quick work of drinking their fill of water and then hunkering down under the hot bulb as soon as I introduced them to their new home.

A week later, they’re twice as big, ten times more lively, and still just as cute. In addition to their regular chick feed, they love a treat of cooked quinoa mixed with a little bit of plain yogurt {thanks to my friend Jen for showing me this yummy and nutritious snack for my babies!}

The meat birds {the light yellow ones} are really starting to surpass the others in size. We may have to separate them soon, so they don’t keep our layers from getting enough to eat.

Mike spent the weekend building the chickens and turkeys new, bigger, fancier homes. I can’t believe how fast they outgrew their cardboard boxes! The new digs have nice chicken-wire tops that lift off so I can feed and water them easily.

The turkeys like to fly out as soon as I open it, because they get all excited when they see me. They may be teenagers now, but they still love their mama. 😉

The Unpredictability of It All

Posted on April 16th, 2012 by Tonia 6 Comments

There we were, innocently/naively enjoying beautiful, warm spring weather for all of March and most of April….and then we woke up this morning to big, icy snowflakes pelting the windows and coating the trees and ground.

I groaned and rolled back over in bed. This wasn’t really happening, was it? Our almost-blooming perennials and fruit trees will surely be toast.

This whole spring has been unusually warm, so I just didn’t see it coming. There was no chance to prepare.

Later, as I stood in line at the bakery for a steaming bowl of ramp and potato soup, I listened to the resigned grumblings of the other customers.

“Can you believe it?”

“The apple trees are not going to like this…”

“I remember in ’78 when we got a blizzard like this in late April…wiped the honeybees right out!”

This is what we get for perching ourselves on the edge of an enormous body of water. Our weather is unpredictable and tends towards the extreme. It’s one of those pesky things in life that we can’t control. We have to adapt and move on.

In addition to the unexpected snow storm, another event this week gave us a harsh and unsolicited lesson on unpredictability and control: One of our pigs dropped over dead. We were horrified when we found her lying there as if she were napping, but not breathing.

We called the farm she came from and they informed us that feeder pigs are known to die suddenly for no apparent reason- probably connected to the fact that they are bred to gain about a pound and a half every day {sounds like a good way to give yourself a heart-attack.} It was a sad event.

This is the gritty, real, not-always-pretty side of farming. There are things you can’t control. There is death.

But, as Aunt Eller says in the classic American musical Oklahoma, “Lots of things happen to folks. Sickness or being poor and hungry, being old and a feared to die. That’s the way it is, cradle to grave, and you can stand it. There’s just one way: you gotta be hardy. You gotta be. You can’t deserve the sweet and tender in life unless’n you’re tough.”

Needless to say, we’re babying the crap outta the remaining pig. I think she gets more attention than our dogs!

And then, amidst the frustration over the snow and the sadness over the dead pig, we got a phone call from the post office saying that a box of live baby chickens was there with our names on it and could we please come pick it up.

A very welcome, happy, fuzzy, cute, chirpy, sweet note on which to start the new week.

Chicken Shopping

Posted on January 5th, 2012 by Tonia 6 Comments

Hey Beth, guess what we did tonight?

We ordered chickens from a catalog!! After a failed attempt to hatch our own, we decided what the heck, let’s just adopt.

Our friends Jen and Trevor are getting in on the action, because the minimum order from Murray McMurray is 25 birds. It was actually their brilliant idea to share an order.

Speckled Sussex, Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons….there are so many choices, it’s so hard to pick! It’s going to be a happy day this spring when those boxes show up on our porch.

P.S. How hilarious/cute/endearing are the guys- snuggled up together on the couch, eating snacks and picking out their chickens??