And Speaking of Reusing Things…

Posted on July 26th, 2011 by Tonia 7 Comments

My two sweet, sweet sisters-in-law admitted to me that even though they have managed to green up their lives in a lot of ways, they still buy plastic baggies pretty often. So this post is a little reminder to them to wash out those baggies and reuse them! Next time your hand is hovering over the garbage can about to throw a baggie out, imagine my really angry face!!

And make your handy husbands make you one of these! I know they’re handy. I have personally seen them make stuff!

See, here I am washing out all the baggies we have used in the past couple weeks. I’m like the least homemaker-y of the three of us, so I know you two can do it!

Heehee. Love you, sisters!!!!!


  1. John says:

    Funny you would post this, Ton; your sweet, sweet sister in law and I just talked about this on Monday. She finally gave in and bought baggies again. We have one bag drying over our coffee maker as we speak. I plan to make a drying rack very soon!

  2. John says:

    Ps–your angry face is terrifying!

  3. Tonia says:

    Hello oh-handy-husband-of-my-sweet-sweet-sister-in-law! I’m blaming you for this because it’s YOUR lunches that she keeps packing in baggies! Make that drying rack, or else! I know where you live.

  4. Sister Laura says:

    Wow, busted!! I admit I do still use baggies, but I’d like to pat myself on the back and say that I am pretty good at washing and RE-using them too… I haven’t had to buy any for quite awhile. But I also do not pack my husband’s lunch for him. He’s on his own… Oh-handy-sweet-brother-of-mine, you are a lucky dog!

  5. Tonia says:

    Mike just asked me why I don’t pack HIS lunch. I had to remind him that he WORKS FROM HOME!! 😛

  6. Brooke says:

    So, if I were to bake some bread or something, do you know of anything besides plastic bags that would work well to store it in??

  7. Tonia says:

    I have a bread box, and I love it. It keeps bread fresh for WAY longer than plastic bags ever did. But for the record, I still use baggies for things…it’s just that I don’t buy new ones anymore because I keep washing and reusing the ones I have had for years.

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